How To Fix Xlive Dll Missing Error

When I open any game on my computer, especially GTA V, I get xlive dll missing errors. This is happening for a day now. I do not know how to deal with this. Can someone help me with this problem?

When I open any game on my computer, especially GTA V, I get xlive dll missing errors. This is happening for a day now. I do not know how to deal with this. Can someone help me with this problem?
DLL file Missing errors are very common and usually have relatively easy solutions. The xlive.dll file is associated with the Windows-Live program. Thus, when you open certain games, you are getting xlive.dll missing error.
DLL files are shared files and this error occurs when the file is either missing from your computer or has been corrupt. This can happen due to incomplete installation of a program or a virus infection. Start by doing a complete system scan to eliminate the possibility that you are infected by a virus. Then, download the dll file from the internet and place it into the Systems folder. Your problem will be gone.