How To Get Microsoft Security Essential Offline Update Windows 7 32 Bit. What Can I Do?

I have installed the MSE, but I have to update Microsoft Security essential offline update Windows 7 32 bit. What can I do for that? Please help!

I have installed the MSE, but I have to update Microsoft Security essential offline update Windows 7 32 bit. What can I do for that? Please help!
If you have already installed the Microsoft Security Essential on your system and you have to update the MSE, and you have no internet connection, or want to update it offline then try this.
First, check the OS of your device which is 64 or 32 bit.
Now get the offline definition update for MSE from Microsoft Community as per your device features. Just save the file.
If you are Windows 7 user, then go to the file and select it and run it as Administrator. Enter the password and check it; then the file will start extracting.
After the files are extract then open the MSE and click on update button to see that the virus definition is updated.