I find the Windows lock screen to be very annoying. Once we boot the system, we have to perform one additional click to be able to enter the password. Is it possible to remove/disable the Windows lock screen in Windows 10 or is it impossible to do so?
How To Remove/disable The Windows Lock Screen In Windows 10
A lot of people find the Windows 10 lock screen annoying, a feature that it inherited from Windows 8. However, it is possible to disable the Windows lock screen, but it is hidden deep within the settings. Use the steps that follow to disable the lock screen:
Open Run by pressing Win+R and type msc and click enter.
The Local Group Policy Window will now open. Expand the Computer Configuration folder and then Administrative Templates.
Enter Control Panel and then Personalization.
In the Personalization folder, you will find Do Not Display The Lockscreen
Double click the option and configure it as Enabled.
How To Remove/disable The Windows Lock Screen In Windows 10
If you are getting annoyed with the lock screen on Windows 10, disabling it is very much possible but you must be running the Creators Update or any newer version. For Windows 10 Home and Pro editions, disabling the lock screen is different between these two. For Windows 10 Home edition, click “Start,” “Search” then in the search field type without quotes “regedit” and then hit Enter.
In the Registry Editor window, navigate to the following location:
Right-click “Windows” then point to “New” and then select “Key.”
Create new key
For the key’s name, type without quotes “Personalization” then hit Enter. Right-click the “Personalization” key you just created then point to “New” and then select “DWORD (32-bit) Value.” Name the new value as without quotes “NoLockScreen” then hit Enter. Double-click “NoLockScreen” then under “Value data,” type without quotes “1” then click “OK.” This should now disable the lock screen.
To re-enable it, just change the value to “0”. Now, for Windows 10 Pro, click “Start,” “Search” then in the search field type without quotes “gpedit” and then hit Enter. On the next screen, double-click “Administrative Templates,” double-click “Control Panel” then select “Personalization.” Double-click “Do not display the lock screen” then select “Enabled.” Click “Apply” then “OK.” And that’s it.
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