How To Rename Computer Name In Windows 10?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello everyone,

I just purchase a second-hand computer, and I noticed that my computer name is not what I want. I want to rename my computer name. I am currently working on Windows10. Please provide me the solution.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Answered By 10 points N/A #301140

How To Rename Computer Name In Windows 10?


First, you need to open the control panel of your system. Type control panel in the search box of the start menu.

Search for the system and open it.

Click on advance system settings at the left side of the window.

A dialog window will appear, select the computer tab and fill the field which asks for the computer’s name.

Provide the description and click on apply then OK.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #324845

How To Rename Computer Name In Windows 10?


I’m not sure if there is much difference when renaming a computer in Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.x, or in Windows 10. Giving a unique name to your computer is important when connecting to a network or local area network because it is used to identify your machine. To rename your computer, click “Start”, “Control Panel” then select “System”.

If you don’t see this, switch view to either “Large icons” or “Small icons”. Next, locate “Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings” section then click “Change settings”.

Click Change settings
Click Change settings

On the next screen, in “System Properties” window, in “Computer Name” tab, click “Change”. On the next screen, in “Computer Name/Domain Changes” window, enter your computer’s new name in the “Computer name” text field then click “OK”. And that’s it.

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