How To Solve 0x80070052 Windows 7 Error?

Hi, I am using a Windows 7 laptop, and I am unable to copy files to an external USB drive and I am getting a 0x80070052 error. How to solve 0x80070052 Windows 7 error?

Hi, I am using a Windows 7 laptop, and I am unable to copy files to an external USB drive and I am getting a 0x80070052 error. How to solve 0x80070052 Windows 7 error?
Here are a couple of methods that can help you to solve the 0x80070052 Windows 7 error-
Method 1
a. Insert your USB.
b. Go to My Computer, and open your USB drive.
c. Right-click anywhere on it and make a new folder.
d. Try to copy your content inside the new folder.
Method 2
a. Insert your USB.
b. Go to My Computer.
c. Right-click on your USB drive.
d. Click on Format.
e. Choose NTFS under the file system.
f. Format.
g. Make sure to take a backup of all the content of this device.
h. You will be able to copy to this device now.