I saw many videos on YouTube before deciding to install new Windows on my computer. The process seems pretty straight forward on video, but I have been facing some issue myself. Once the Windows logo appears, I get the 0xc1800103 0x90002 error code. How do I proceed?
How To Solve 0xc1800103 0x90002 Error Code
The error code you are viewing, 0xc1800103 0x90002 more often than not appears during the installation of Windows. This error code generally means that either some files are missing or, they have been corrupted. If certain files are missing or are corrupted, Windows cannot proceed with the installation process.
There are some tweaks you can make to the system to try and remove this error. First, try and clean the software distribution folder on your system. You can access the folder using the Run box. Another option is to delete the temp files from your system. Deleting your temp files usually solves a lot of problems you might even know of.