I am using the Blackbaud application. I experience an ‘Error 20599: Cannot open SQL server’ issue when previewing a custom Crystal Report plugin. How to solve the issue on a 64-bit Windows?
How To Solve The ‘Error 20599: Cannot Open SQL Server’?
The ‘Error 20599: Cannot open SQL server’ issue can occur due to some issues with ODBC or the Blackbaud application.
Method 1
Validating ODBC
a. Press Windows + R on your keyboard.
b. Type %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe and press enter.
c. Open the System DSN tab.
d. You need to choose the appropriate ODBC Data Source.
e. Click Configure
f. The SQL Server name and Instance name must be correct.
g. Click Next
h. Select the Windows NT authentication using the network login ID.
i. Click Next.
j. The database name will appear in the drop-down list.
k. Click Next
l. Finish.
m. Click on the Data Source.
n. A successful message will appear.
o. Exit the ODBC.
p. Your problem should be gone.
Try to run the Report in the stand-alone application of Crystal Reports. If it works, follow these steps.
Method 2
a. Use the Crystal Reports application to open reports.
b. Copy the names of all the subreport in the main report.
c. Open Microsoft Access.
d. Open the plugin database file (ex: ReWrap.mdb).
e. Edit the Subreports table.
f. Here, paste the names of subreports.
g. Save the database file.