I just have question about computer servers. Right now, we are running Server 2000 and it is running Active Directory, DNS, and DHCP.
I need to know if it’s possible for me to transfer these to a new server which is a Server 2008 and if there are effective ways to do it.
I hope you can help me. Thank you.Â
How to transfer server 2000 to server 2008?
Hi Daniel Nambatac,
Yes it is possible for you to transfer your 2000 server to server 2008 by preparing the knowledge base with adrep beginning from the disk installation of 2008 server and let this add as part of the domain server. Then you have to create in DNS up to the 2000 DC zones of Ad integrated and let the dcpromo run in the new one.
Then to Create DNS server you have to let the DNS duplicate. After the replication, let the 5 FMSO roles move to the new or fresh server. Then change it to Global catalog server. Remanage the clients to utilize the new server for DNS. Do not worry for the permissions grant to the 2008 server because if you robocopy the ms resource kit you will be able to replicate the files such as 2008 server permissions.
Hope this might help you.
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How to transfer server 2000 to server 2008?
Hi Daniel,
The following is the procedure for changing from sever 2000 to server 2008:
Ensure that the back up of the server 2000 is done.
Check if there is exchange sever.
Check what is the version and role of the exchange server.
On the server 2000 open DNS management console.
Check that you are running Active directory integrated zone. This is easy for replication if you are running more than one DNS sever
Run replmon from run line or repadmin/showrepl,dcdiag and netdiag from the command prompt on the server 2000 to check for errors.
If you have some errors post the complete output from command prompt to here or solve the errors first.
For this tool you have to install supporttoolssuptools.msi from 2000 installation disk.
Run adprepforestprep and domainprepdomainprep and adpreprodnprep from 2008 installation disk against 2000 schema master with the account which is member of schema admin to upgrade schema to the new version 44.
You may be able to check version with "schupgr" in a command prompt.
Install the new machine as a member in the existing domain.
Configure a fixed IP and set preferred DNS to the 2000 server only.
Run dcpromo and follow the wizard to add 2008 to the existing domain. Make it also a global catalog.