How to uninstall babylon with command?

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hi techyv,

How to uninstall Babylon with command? Is it possible to uninstall software using command prompt?

I want to try uninstalling software manually using cmd program. This is unusual but there are some instances that we have to learn manual than automatic.

I hope you can provide an accurate information.

Hoping for your help. Thanks.

Answered By 0 points N/A #185494

How to uninstall babylon with command?


Hi Jeremy,

Here is some steps on how to uninstall a program or application using the command prompt feature of all windows.

1. Click ‘Start’, then click ‘Command Prompt’.

2. Type ‘wmic’ then press enter.

3. Next line will display ‘wmic:rootcli>’.

4. Key in the following command: ‘product get name’. It will display all the application installed in your system.

5. Type ‘product name where=”” call uninstall’, then press enter.

Example: product name where=”Google Chrome” call uninstall

6. Command prompt will ask you to confirm your action, press ‘y’ then ‘enter’. Now you have already uninstalled the Google Chrome application.

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