How to unzip files in Windows?

Zip file format helps you to reduce the size of the large files. Because of Zip files you can send large files through internet without any hassle.
In addition ZIP files help you to send a large number of files through internet. You can zip number of files and can make a one file using zipped program.
Although you can break a large files into small pieces using zip program.
You should have external software for unzip files in windows. You can use free software like WinZip or WINRAR to unzip files.
Download WINRAR and install it to your computer.
Then Right-click on zip file and you will get options like Extract files, Extract Here, etc.
Then click on the extract here button and you will get your zip file extracted in into the current location.
Thank You
John Major.
It is just easy to unzip zipped files in windows. You may not need additional software to do this. Follow these steps.
1. Go to the location where the zipped folder is which you need to unzip files or folders.
2. Follow one of these two steps.
I. To unzip a file or folder, first open it by double clicking on the zipped folder. Then, drag and drop the file or folder in to the desired location.
II. To unzip all the files or folder within the zipped folder at once, right click on it, and then click "Extract All or Extract files" on the pop-up menu. Follow the instructions to unzip the content
Hope this will helpful