How to unzip winzip 11 ?
Hi Experts,
I have got winzip 11 called folder and need to unzip it. Can you give me necessary steps to extract them to my documents folder. I tried to unzip it using control panel but failed.
Hi Experts,
I have got winzip 11 called folder and need to unzip it. Can you give me necessary steps to extract them to my documents folder. I tried to unzip it using control panel but failed.
Greetings Belensienna!,
To solve your problem, First you should download the latest version of Winzip.
After downloading the Winzip software you should install it into your computer. After successful installation of Winzip just right click the file winzip 11 and choose extract files, Then choose a location on where will you put the extracted files. Click finish and ok. Your problem is solved!
Cheers! Have a nice day!
Hello Belensienna,
Thanks for sharing your problem with us. Here, I am giving you an instruction by which you can be able to unzip any kinds of zip folder or file. If you have no any software installed for unzipping zip file then you download software right now, and then installed it properly.
After that, whenever, you will get a zip folder or file then, just double click on the folder. It would open your folder, and then just right click on your expected file which you want to unzip. Then, then software automatically applied on this file. I am recommending you for an evaluating software link here where you will get your expected software.
Thanks and enjoy it!