Hello experts,
How to use face in hole Facebook app? And how to get started with this application? Tell me more about the face in hole Facebook application before I will use it. I need a fun game application in Facebook to get away from work and stressful matters in life.
Thank you.
How to use face in hole Facebook app?
FACEinHOLE is a cool site where it lets you manage your images, for instance if you wanted to look like a super model or any public scenarios that you wanted to use. Provided are the steps for you to use faceinhole app on your Facebook:
To create your account, go to: https://www.faceinhole.com/scenarios
Click "Create Account " on the upper right corner of your screen and fill in all the necessary details.
After successfully creating your account, select "Scenarios" it will show you scenario with the faceinhole editor, select "upload" select the image of the person that you wanted to have in that scenario and click "OK".Drag the white boxes in order for you to resize the face, click "Rotate" if needs to be rotated then click "Save"
To upload this to your Facebook select "Facebook" link and click "Post" if you didn't log in yet to your Facebook account, it will then prompt you to log in.
How to use face in hole Facebook app?
Hi davy,
Face in Hole is a free photo editing site that allows users to upload photos of themselves, friends or family to superimpose in a different "scenario." Each "scenario" has people with faces whited out where you can place a different face into the white space.
After creating the image, you can share it on your Facebook profile. Using faceinhole along with Facebook makes sharing fun joke photos with your friends a quick and easy process.
You can create your face in hole by visiting a https://www.faceinhole.com/scenarios or we can also generate the face in hole by visiting the site https://www.fim.com/