How to use Grammarly to review documents?

I used Grammarly to review my document and it found 18 critical writing issues and generated 23 vocabulary enhancement suggestions for your text.

Kindly help me to solve these issues.

I used Grammarly to review my document and it found 18 critical writing issues and generated 23 vocabulary enhancement suggestions for your text.
Kindly help me to solve these issues.
Hello Richard,
On the above picture first it shows your score.
Your score: 57 out of 100. This app score a particular article within 100 marks. For every mistake it cut some point. Your writing should be 100% accurate.
About Grammar mistake: This app will show you alternative which should be best for your article.
About Style & Word choice: Same as grammar mistake, you should be 100% accurate.
I think it would be better if you check this site.
Hope this will help you.
Thank you.