How to use SDK’s code to customize Retail for Microsoft Dynamics AX?

I need your help to use SDK's code to customize Retail for Microsoft Dynamics AX. Please, tell me in details how to do it appropriately.
Thanks in advance

I need your help to use SDK's code to customize Retail for Microsoft Dynamics AX. Please, tell me in details how to do it appropriately.
Thanks in advance
Hello Donald Hammond,
I am suggesting you to download the SDK from
Now you can run the SDK Amcap source code to Create the Sample Grabber given below:
IBaseFilter *pGrabberF = NULL;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SampleGrabber, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&pGrabberF);
When you first create the Sample Grabber, it has no preferred media type. This means you can connect to almost any filter in the graph, but you would have no control over the type of data that it received. Before building the rest of the graph, therefore, you must set a media type for the Sample Grabber, by calling the ISampleGrabber::SetMediaType method.
For Details see
With Best Regards
Shifflet Laurel