One simple web service is created by me. It has been putted in a web logic service. I can run it through power builder but not with soap. How to use soap power builder 7 effectively? How can I use both of them.
Experts help will be appreciated very much.
Thank You.
How to use soap power builder 7 effectively?
It is possible to use the web logic service with power builder or with soap. It is not possible to run the web logic service with both of them at a time. By default you can run the web logic service through power builder. If you want to run it through soap then go to the settings tab of the web logic service. Select the performance option. A new window will open that contains all the performance details. In this window select to run through soap. The default value will be to run through power builder, just change this to run through soap.
When you want to run it through power builder then you have to change it back to run through power builder 7. You can create a shortcut button for the settings window so that you can change the settings easily whenever you want to.