How to use SSID authentication for specified workbook?
Hey guys,
I set up some of excel files to be opened using the SSID authentication made in Sharepoint Secure Store. There is no problem accessing the file in excel web access. Using the web access OOTB web part, the SSID authentication changes to the default windows authentication.
How can I use SSID authentication just for the specified workbook? I just really wanted to use that SSID encryption. A trusted location both in Sharepoint and excel is added, which is the Library files. (Please refer to the screenshots).
Microsoft Excel
Either the user,……………………………does not have access to the …………….database, or the database does not exist.
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Microsoft Excel
Errors in the OLE DB provider. An error occurred while loading the connection dialog box component for prompting.
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How can I get the workbook?
Hoping that someone could help me regarding this matter.