How to use tiny cc Facebook properly

What is the use of Is it a sort of a url shortner? or does it have other puposes as well. I tried shortening my url but it isn't happening

What is the use of Is it a sort of a url shortner? or does it have other puposes as well. I tried shortening my url but it isn't happening
Hello. is a website where you can shorten the long url in to short forms.
The main use of shortening the url s is to memorize the url or use them where there is less space.
They can be used in facebook twitter links and also shorten YouTube addresses.
To know more about tiny cc click on the below website
Thank you.
Hello Bridget rayfield,
Today i am going to inform you about a very interesting thing to make your page smarter and make it attractive for business.
To convert your long url into a readable and make it shorter has brought a great opportunity for worldwide business people for smart interaction and readable link to shorter by editing and using QR code
It’s the link for an image of stomach as sample and it’s looking long, and hazardous link but I need it short form that i can use the link in my webpage which will not disturb user or will not annoy themselves also.
After make it shorter in we found : This which looks smarter and better than earlier. not only makes your link shorter but also shorten time of loading image and make it faster and easier for user for get result instant
Happy surfing.