Dear Friends, I would like to know about how to use Unix PCL code, Please do the needful for guiding me about how to use Unix PCL code. If anyone can provide me details on how to change the tray (tray2 to tray1) with the PCL code, that will be great. Thanks
How to use Unix PCL code
Unix PCL codes are used to change character, font and paper tray for HP 16/600 laser printer. At your workstation, code this:
% Begin PostScript code
/LaserJetIII Â /ProcSet findresource
/FontReport get exec
% End PostScript code
This is how to change to different trays:
To select tray 1:
<esc> & l # 1
The l=lowercase L
  2. To select tray 2:
<esc> & l # 2
How to use Unix PCL code
In VI, you use the CTRL-v key to eliminate the unique significance for the next person. So to put in the codes: ESC &l4H, you commence  with an empty computer file, key into place figures, then CTRL-v then the ESCAPE key (which places ^ [ on your screen) followed by &l4H. Then hit the ESCAPE key again and preserve the computer file.
Or you can do it like this without VI:
Echo "33&l4H" > tray2. Pcl
Now you can use cat:
Cat tray2. Pcl file-to-print | lpr -Pprinter_name
Note: lpr is not an LP. On HP-UX, lpr is a wrapper for lp that looks like lpr. However, -otray2 is not legitimate for the lpr wrapper and won't perform on HP-UX if you do not access the HP printing device straight with HPPI application.