Hi friend,
How to use windows debugger tool to analyze and solve hardware issue?
Hoping for an answer to my question.
How to use windows debugger tool?
To use the Windows Debugger tool in your system, please try the following:
- Go to Start
- Click on Run
- Type in windbg.exe
- Press Enter
- Choose File/Open then look for the program you would like to debug
- Click on Open
- Click on Debug button
- The Windows Debugger tool is free and it can also be use to troubleshoot other issues like Blue Screen and other Window system crash problems that you may encounter. To do so, you may check the following websites for step-by-step procedures to help you in resolving these matters:
How to use windows debugger tool?
Follow this instruction to use windows debugger tool.
Go to Start/Programs/Debugging Tools For Windows or Windbg.
A blank screen will appear.
Click on File/Symbol File Path.
Then Point the utility to where your symbols are. In my case C:WINDOWSSymbols. Click OK.
Then Click on File/Save Workspace.
Then Click on File/Open Crash Dump.
You will need to find the .dmp files, usually located in a file called Minidump.
Once you have the Minidump file, Click on Open.
Click on a file and a screen will pop up.
Click on No and the debugging process will start.