How to use zend ajax combo on my computer?

I am pretty new to the Zend framework and the JQuery helper. I want to set up Zend Ajax combo on my computer. Can anyone help me?

I am pretty new to the Zend framework and the JQuery helper. I want to set up Zend Ajax combo on my computer. Can anyone help me?
Using Ajax in a Zend Framework is now possible through context switching.
This is an action helper that enables us to change a response format easily. So if there is an Ajax request made, the response can be through JSON, XML or HTML which makes it easier to configure.
This could be a little hard to digest if you are still learning how Ajax works so for your future references,
Click this link to check out the sample codes that explain how Ajax works on a Zend framework.
This other link is also a good tutorial for you to learn more about Zend.