Has anyone tried writing journal articles with Lyx text-editing software? I would like to find out if this particular software is recommended for writing journal articles. What things do I need to pay attention to in order to get a good result? What challenges did you face when attempting to write a journal article in Lyx?
How to Write Journal Articles Using Lyx
Hello Orville!
Using Lyx in writing journals or articles is very easy. In fact this is one of the most stable software that you can use. Let me just draw the advantages of Lyx.
1.      Free and stable
2.      Focuses on content not the layout or design
3.      Provides better printed output
4.      Intelligent documents
5.      Match equations are expressed dynamically
6.      Efficient cross-referencing
7.      Can create PDF files
8.      Proper typesetting
9.      Text file format
10.  Bibliographies
There are handful sets of software that you can use but this comes very handy and easier. This is the best software that you can use to write articles as it is stable and free and efficient to use.