Asked By
pat dawson
40 points
Posted on - 02/21/2013
Your Latest Version of Windows Media Player cannot play DVD video? My latest version of the Windows Media Player media cannot play videos on DVD…
Windows Media Player
Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD a complete DVD decoder is not installed on your computer.
How you can install the DVD decoder well?
How you can install the DVD decoder well?
Hi Pat Dawson,
Some versions of Windows provide DVD playback option in Windows Media Player itself and for the rest, you have to purchase a plug-in or add-on which allows WMV player to play DVD.
1.If you are using Windows 8, please go to this link: and download the DVD player add-on.
2.Windows 7 Home Premium, Ultimate, and Enterprise versions already have the option of playing DVDs. In case you are using lower versions like Windows 7 Home Basic or Starter, then this needs to be upgraded to one of the higher versions
3. For Windows XP or Windows Vista, you would have to purchase one of the DVD decoder packs listed below:
a. CinePlayer DVD Decoder
b. Advanced Corel DVD Decoders.
c. Cyberlink PowerDVD SE.
d. NVIDIA DVD Decoder