When I am trying to make actions in the support assistant, like clicking software updates, I am getting the following error. What is causing this error ? Should I be worried about this error ?
Thank you experts !
String was not recognized as a valid DataTime.HPSF at HP Assistant.Data.dsActiveCheckRes.loadAcData(String filterCategory, Boolean includeIgnored) at HP Assistant.Pages.MaintainActions.Page_Loaded(Object sender, RoutedEVENTargs e)
Answered By
de Blair
10 points
Hp assistant error installing the support
To help you out solving this problem I can suggest you some options:
You can restore your system to that System Restore Point where HP Support system was doing fine. This will help you to identify which of the other latest updates added to your system are conflicting with the application. May be some of Windows/ Microsoft updates are reason.
You can reinstall the whole software with the latest upgradation release.
If you are not very frequent user of the HP Support System, you can think about deleting them permanently, or disable it in “msconfig”
Hope this will help you.