I have a laptop that I use to watch movies on my TV.
By cons, when I close the lid, the screen goes black on TV.
So I can choose if I want the image on both screens or just the TV.
But if i can not close the screen, it's not convenient …
Anyone have a solution?
My PC is an HP Compaq 6710b.
Thank you.
HP Compaq 6710b and TV
 The problem you are facing is due to a silly default setting in windows. Your or any system is configured by default to switch to sleep mode,so when you close the lid of your laptop the system is sent to sleep mode.
 This can be changed with the following changes:
1. Go to Control Panel –> Hardware and Sound –>Power Options.
2. In the left side, there is an option "choose what closing the lid does".
3. Then an option is there "When I close the lid" change it from Sleep to Do nothing.