HTML or CSS for Cross-browser compatibility?

What should we use to check for cross-browser compatibility.
Should we be modifying HTML or CSS for
Checking and solving cross-browser compatibility.

What should we use to check for cross-browser compatibility.
Should we be modifying HTML or CSS for
Checking and solving cross-browser compatibility.
I am not a web page programmer, but I do know some simple html codes, java scripts and some css codings. I use a template in the pages of my mobile site to make it easy and avoid too much programming and because I know less in web page programming.
But one thing I noticed on the template I’m using is that it uses a .js file to handle other web browsers particularly Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Without this java script file, the page displays improperly in Microsoft Internet Explorer. The CSS file or the Cascading Style Sheet file makes the page looks nicer and smoother by applying style commands inside.
But some of these commands display very differently on other browsers.
This problem is remedied by linking a java script file to the page.
This makes the proper adjustment to the page so the page will be displayed properly as what it should be on the browser.
You should use a java script file (.js) in your pages to make it compatible with other browsers.