Hello Experts,
Please do the needful for helping me by providing me the HTML triple hex color guide, that will demonstrate three-digit hexadecimal representation of color of the form #RGB.
Thanks & Regards,
Alland Ornad
HTML triple hex color guide
To define the html colors using hexadecimal (hex) notation for combination of color values RGB (Red,Green,Blue). The lowest value can be used is 0 (hex 00) and the highest value is 255 which is hex ff. Hex values are written in 3 double digit double digit number and # sign is used at the start, for example. #903cd4.
When to assign the color values in rbg you can use “rgb(0,0,0). Here is first zero for Red, 2nd for green and 3rd for blue. More example is here about both coloring.
Here is very useful website and hope you learn a lot from there.