No matter how I try to clean up my temp file directory it has well over five hundred files. I keep removing them and they keep coming back each time. I am careful about not downloading or opening attachments. Any suggestions? Is this a type of spam, malware or being hacked?
Hundreds Of Temp Files Will Not Delete
Once you have to delete manually all files and folders. After that if all files not delete then
Open notepad and type these two lines :-
rd %temp% /s/q
md %temp%
Save this file name of %appdata% Microsoftwindowsstart menuprogramsstartupcleantemp.bat. It will create a new file in start menu called cleantemp.bat. Run this when you
want to clean your temp folder.
Hundreds Of Temp Files Will Not Delete
I don’t think that’s possible unless you frequently install and uninstall a program then you will always have temporary files on your computer. Temporary files normally appear during a program installation or when you install something on your computer. These are the resources that were used by the installation and were left on your computer.
Sometimes temporary files are left in a folder in C:WINDOWS but there are times they leave it in the user folder. Normally, when you clean your computer using the Disk Cleanup utility, you can remove all temporary files from your computer. But if this doesn’t work or your temporary files didn’t even decreased in number, try checking your computer for possible virus infection.
Update your antivirus then run a full system scan on your computer. If your computer is clean and you didn’t find a virus, try installing PC Tools Performance Toolkit. Use it to clean the temporary files from your computer. Use all necessary options to delete all junk files from your computer.