I was about to give a presentation in classroom when I connected my laptop to the projector. Suddenly the screen changed to some kind of player in which previous and next buttons are there. I moved across slides using those buttons. Then, there was a slide having a link to a text file. I clicked on that. It opened up in my laptop but not on the projector. I somehow managed the presentation. But now, I want to know about it. Can someone please tell me about this problem and also suggest a solution. Thanks in advance.
Hyperlink is there on the laptop screen but not on projector.
Dear Matthew A Shade,
In presenter view your computer show the whole thing / data but projector only show the data inside the slide. Because text file was not the direct part of the slide (it was a link to the outside), therefore it didn't show result on projector. You may use other views for the solution of the problem. I am using Powerpoint 2010 here is the solution of this problem.
1. Click on slide show tab as shown in fig 1.
2. Click on "setup slide show" a new window will open as shown in fig 2.
3. Select the "browsed by an individual (window)" and click ok as shown in fig 3.
Now run the presentation your issue has been resolved.