I Am A Programmer, And While Doing Multiple Processes Together, I Face 0x4b8, An Extended Error

What is the 0x4b8 an extended error? Describe the cause of the error and explain various steps to fix the error and also attach a snapshot of the error.

What is the 0x4b8 an extended error? Describe the cause of the error and explain various steps to fix the error and also attach a snapshot of the error.
0x4b8 is an extended error that occurs when a process drills into the Winlogon file and requests a file, which is currently used by another process. The path of the requested file is C:\windows\security\winlogon. We can find this on the problem PCs: —-Configure File Security…. Warning 32.
The cause of the error is the multiple processes which are running in the background of the computer, and if two or more than two process requests the same file, then an unexpected error occurs.
The ways to fix the error is quite simple: