I am facing problem about setting of SQL server,s email headers.

I am facing problem about setting of SQL server,s email headers.
I am sending emails through SQL server so please guide me on setting email headers.

I am facing problem about setting of SQL server,s email headers.
I am sending emails through SQL server so please guide me on setting email headers.
Hi Michel,
Hope you are doing great.
As you want to create an email header form SQL Server, I have a little bit of information that I have for you. I have put down the pre set codes that you need to use in order to insert the header, go through them and the codes are much self explanatory.
With the help of the codes that I have prescribed below and with the content of the mail that you have, you can add your desired header into the mail using SQL server. Do try this and let me know if in case you come across any difficulties.
You may download the sample that attached below.
Good day
Bell Keny