I am having a quick question on FreeNAS

Asked By 80 points N/A Posted on -


Hello TechyV,

I am not used to any versions of Linux based software and so I am having a quick question on FreeNAS. I am running a windows Vista and I have downloaded the ISO file with the intent by putting a flash drive to my net book that I will go to hook up some of my external drives on.

This caused as completely crashed on that notebook. So what I am doubting that if I pull I pull the drive and hook it up as an external on my vista computer, is it able to install FreeNAS from CD, as I burned it to disc with the Active ISO Burner.

I know I can't install windows on external devices and expect it to work on a different computer.

Thanks in advance.

Answered By 10 points N/A #198369

I am having a quick question on FreeNAS


Hello Larson,

How to Install FreeNAS

It is one of the easiest installation process. It takes few minutes to complete installation of an operating system.
Here are the process in brief:
1. Getting FreeNAS
2. Selecting and Preparing Your Hardware
3. Making the Boot CD

4. Installing FreeNAS

5. Getting FreeNAS on the Network
6. Conclusion: When you will compare the timing with other app, FreeNAS is a dream. 
To know the detail information, Please check the link or Check this link.
Hope this would solve your problem.
Thank you.

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