I am interested in upgrading after opening packard bell external disk

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I am interested in opening Packard bell external disk to upgrade it to a larger hard disk size will the sata/ide (not sure which it is) to USB interface inside it be able to handle a larger disk size?

Best Answer by Meyer Updike
Answered By 0 points N/A #170830

I am interested in upgrading after opening packard bell external disk


Hi Herbert,

By design it will work however, it may void your warranty if you need to worry about that. 

Most external Hard drives are solid state those will be or impossible to upgrade using its existing case. 

But if you are technical enough to play around the wiring then you can do that with your external Hard drive.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #170831

I am interested in upgrading after opening packard bell external disk



I am not sure what you mean by “opening Packard bell external disk to upgrade”. 

If you mean opening up the drive and replacing it with a new and larger disk.

I would not recommend that. Let’s leave the opening to the manufacturers and just be contented of what is available to us.

What you can do is to purchase an external box for your drive and use it as is connected to the USB or buy an external drive with a larger capacity you can use on a USB.


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