To the administrators! My job involves a lot of notes taking and recordings for the administration during meetings. Lately, we acquired Microsoft OneNote and it is really great. I believe it has a modifier OneNote en pdf feature that I can use when I want to deliver reports; how do I go about it? How about the output quality? Are there ways of printing out the PDF documents in batch reports? Thanks a bunch!
I am looking for a modifier onenote en PDF for batch processing
Hello Davisess,
The last version of OneNote (OneNote2010) includes this feature. You can save your file in multiple formats:
To do that click File >> Save As >> Page >> PDF
I am looking for a modifier onenote en PDF for batch processing
To print out OneNote entries in batches as .pdf, there is unfortunately no workaround or a free solution. However, there are paid solutions, one of them being "OneNote Batch", which boasts a multitude of powerful features. You can purchase it by visiting this link and clicking the button.
You will be taken directly to the purchase page.