I am trying to network on iOs following the tutorials but it doesn’t work. I have followed a tutorial for iOS Multiplayer “mpStarTrooper”. But I am receiving the errors “Unknown identifier IP address” and “Unknown identifier port” while trying to publish it for iOS. I also went through another one which states to export it as an iOS app. But in this case I got more than 200 errors. What can be done? Any help?
I am receiving the errors “Unknown identifier ip address ”
The problem is pretty clear that it is being caused by the use of wrong settings. You will need to make sure that you are doing the configurations right as follows:
Make sure that you are using the right IP addresses that meets the standards of the network that you are on. Also check things like the class of the IP, and make sure that you are not leaving some figures out.
Also make sure that you are using the right ports when configuring the iOS multiplayer.
In case you did not restart the application after you put in the addresses then I will suggest that you do so that the settings will take effect.
-Mathew Stone