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0 points
Posted on - 09/22/2011
I had just finished the task of recording a very lengthy video shoot for future production and was preparing to reload into my ZBrush installed in my 32-bit computer which has 16MB of RAM and a 2.66 GHz processor. While reloading it, I got this error messag. Help me please.
ZBrush will attempt to recover from this error but it may not always be possible. In future sessions, please reduce the density of the edited mesh or increase the amount of available memory.
Answered By
0 points
I am unable to reload movies into ZBrush
Hello Glynisha,
I have found out that the software you are using is in need of a better system requirements and you do not met in his minimum requirements. That will result to block some of the files from running as it will also for your risk in your computer to run slow.
Better add more memory to be able to sustain the needs of that Zbrush which is handling much memory and cause your computer to crash while your are making Zbrush. It just happen that Zbrush is in need of a good system requirement.
Other option would be try to right click your Zbrush icon and run it as administration it might be blocking some OS problems with your particular software otherwise you need more memory to obtain the minimum requirements.