I cannot download the program

I get an error message while attempting to download and run the program. The message says: “This program is not commonly downloaded and could harm your computer.
” I go ahead with choices of “Actions”, "More options” and then “Run anyway”. Towards the end of the installation, an error message appears “Installation files are corrupt." Download please a new copy and redo the installation. Closing the window the following error in the installation window pops up:” x64ACAProgram FilesRootacdb18.dll CRC failed in Unexpected end of archive. ” Closing the window option another message pops up: “Installation is not correctly done”.
The option to “Reinstall using recommended setting” is then chosen; the message appears saying “The Verification of the publisher cannot be done. Do you want to run this software?” I click the “Run” option and the installation begins again and the same error appears at the end like previous time.

"SmartScreen Filter -Windows Internet Explorer
This program might harm your computer"