I can’t scan my computer

Try to scan my computer came up error code-2147467259. What does this code mean and how can I fix it?

Try to scan my computer came up error code-2147467259. What does this code mean and how can I fix it?
You didn't mention what scan you are talking about, scanning picture, scanning your computer hard drives using antivirus or what. If you are talking about scanning using antivirus, there might be problem with the anti virus that you are using, just try another one. I can recommend you to use Microsoft security essential.
It is free and can remove malware, spy ware, computer viruses as well. But if we are going to base on the error, this error occurred when failed to connect to SQL server, you can view the even viewer to confirm the error, if the error is “SQL Server does not exist or access denied”, that means that action that you are trying is doesn’t have correct permissions to execute the query. Please see this for more info about this error code.
The error code you have given is kind of hard to point where it is exactly related to because error code “2147467259” has an equivalent code in Maplestory, Windows system components, and is an automation error in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET. That’s why you need to be sure where it is exactly coming from or what triggers it on your computer. To check it again, try scanning your computer again. But first make sure to update your antivirus and then proceed on scanning your computer.
When doing the scanning, it would be best to do a full system scan and include the folder “System Volume Information” in the scan. It is located in the root of your drive. This is where the system restore files are stored and updated that’s why this is the favorite spot that viruses attacks. If the error appears again then might as well try reinstalling your antivirus. It is possible that it is your antivirus that’s causing this error. Update your antivirus after reinstalling it and then restart your scan. If the error appears again then I guess it’s not your antivirus after all. Try downloading the “2147467259” repair tool from Windows Repair Support.
This error made me loose my discernment about what I should do; I didn’t take any decision although I had looked for solutions in many websites. But the pointed remedy did not appease me. I was very frightened about this error but guys, your penetrating solutions deprived my daunted. I am pleased by knowing my occurring problem as well I have followed all your instruction too. At the last moment, I have downloaded the “2147467259” repair tool from your provided link which for now I am free from my problem and by this conceivable solution now my error has disappeared as well as I am able to scan my computer successfully. Now, my computer is running smoothly unlike in the previous performance which was very poor. Thanks guys for helping me to be disembarrassed.