I just downloaded the Shockwave from the website Softpedia.com.
I tried to install it. For a while it’s smoothly unpacking but then it stops saying unsuccessfully to continue. An error message appears says:
Click Abort to stop the installation
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file.
If I click Retry and Ignore, doesn’t change anything. I have also tried 'Slim' version but same thing did happen.
Also, I've downloaded the Shockwave in Adobe’s website but the Download box is not popping up. If I go to the website, and click on Agree and Install, a guided bar should pop up or the download box. But neither of this happens. Although, sometimes a notification box appears that saying if I want to restart the PC now or later. If anyone experienced the same problem to have, and already fixed it. Please can you share it with me. I've been trying to get Shockwave for some time now. Thanks for the big help.
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I cannot install Shockwave in my computer
It is unlikely to occur an error during Shockwave player installation. However you may try several processes to get rid of this.
First check your ActiveX control from Internet Explorer settings. From internet options click Default Level or click Custom Level tab from there. you have to enable ActiveX controls and plug ins from there. And you have to choose set ActiveX controls and Plug ins. After that you may start the download.
There might be an issue with your ActiveX control and Plugin installation. For this you are getting those types of errors. If you sort out the ActiveX part then I hope you will be able to install the Shockwave player.
Another option is. Try to uninstall your Shockwave player from Add/remove programs and try reinstalling it from the Adobe website. You can download it from the given link in adobe website. You have already mentioned that you have tried this. But I guess in this method this will not help. So try the first one.
One more thing if you have Flash player installed on your machine first uninstall it. Then install Shockwave player. Sometimes conflict may occur.
Best of luck!