I have Netbeans IDE 7.0 on the Windows of my computer but I am constantly getting an error message when I try to start it up. It loads only just the splash screen and nothing happens after that. I have tried to open it through the command line netbeans.exe -J-Xmx512m. If you have any idea to solve this problem, please, help me. Thank you.
 JVM creation failed
I cannot start NetBeans IDE 7
I’m not sure if this is an incompatibility issue because this program supports any Windows versions. If you are already using this program before and this is the first time it happened to encounter an error, try restarting the computer and then open it again. If that was only a fluke restarting the system will resolve the error.
But if it’s still the same, try doing a clean installation of the program again to remove any corrupted files. Uninstall NetBeans 7.0 first then check your computer for any possible errors. Use a disk utility application to check the system. Next, install NetBeans again and then try it after.
If still nothing happened, since it is an older version, try upgrading it to the latest version. Install NetBeans IDE 7.1.2. This latest release supports Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris operating systems.
You can download this version from NetBeans official web site or just visit here NetBeans to visit the page.