My customer is using Windows 98 and FrontPage 2000 cannot access the website I developed for a customer using Windows XP.
They get an error message reading that the website is not FrontPage enabled. I have confirmed that the site is indeed FrontPage enabled, since I can connect using my windows XP. Infact I can successfully publish to that website.
Are there any suggestions so that my customers using Windows 98 and FrontPage 2000 can access this website too?
I can’t access a Windows XP based website via Windows 98/Frontpage 2000
The problem may be caused by an incompatible internet explorer version being used by the Windows 98 machine. Try and have your client update the internet explorer version installed in the machine.
If what the machine has is the latest version that support Windows 98, then it's either the system needs to be upgraded to Windows XP for compatibility or the website needs to be recoded so that it can support older operating systems and older versions of internet explorer or other browsers. An update for FrontPage 2000 may also be in order as the version they have may be incompatible with the website you developed.