TV Card Software could not continue installing

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Dear friends,

Recently I bought a TV card for my computer.With this I got the software also to install the TV card.

Software's name is honestech TVR.

when I am installing that software, I always gets an error message like below.

Software Installation

The software you are installing has not passed Windows Logo testing to verify its compatibility with Windows XP.

I can't continue the installation after this error.

Though I press continue anyway or though I press stop installation, the result is same.

Then I tried with another TV card which is owned to my best friend.

But I was hopeless.hope your best replies

Best Answer by romelcosingan
Answered By 0 points N/A #122204

TV Card Software could not continue installing


Hi Donald, first of all what you have asked is not an error it is an exception. These exceptions are being generated by the Microsoft just to prevent users that in their windows database this type of hardware is not listed and may not work properly though you install third party drivers.

Another problem could be that your driver for the TV device is not up dated and there might be new drivers available. Please check updated drivers from

If there are no updated drivers available for your specific device still you can install out dated drivers however this exception will be raised off and on due to these out dated drivers. Hope this will help your problem.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 15 points N/A #122205

TV Card Software could not continue installing



  • Actually this message doesn't mean that your installation is corrupted.
  • It just need to have your authority to install the product.
  • No need to worry because some software really needs this kind of message.
  • For instance, this can occur also if you done a multiple installation. Installing other software while another installer runs in your system.
  • If the system still occurs then this is usually done  if your installer is dump or corrupted.
  • So, your only way to find a solution is to have a latest version of the software or you can find one any of its site available for free downloads.
  • You can visit their website at Select the Products tab and click the model of your product and then click on the right to purchase it.

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