When I try to use my Silverlight on xbox.com I can’t view the video/animation.
I installed IE9 with Windows 7 and using Silverlight 4.
I can hear the sounds or music but there is no image.
I already checked the settings of Silverlight and everything is fine. What could be wrong?
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I can’t view videos on Silverlight running on windows 7.
I think the problem is in browser settings. Check if animation capability of Internet Explorer 9 is activated:
1) “Gear button” -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> …
2) See if “Play animation in web-pages” is selected under Multimedia section. If you can hear the sound of clips, “Play sounds…” is active already.
Changes may take effect after you restart the browser.
Do you have the latest version of Java Plug-in? I think you could check Java and Silverlight settings here as well:
Internet Options -> Manage add-ons -> Tollbars and Extensions/All ad-ons
Good luck.