Hi techyv,
I do forgot password to photo vault iPod. What will I do to retrieve the password?
I am not an expert when it comes to ios or apple products. My aunt gave the iPod to me.
I hope you can find ways to help me retrieve the password.
Hoping for your help.
I do forgot password to photo vault ipod.
Hello Timothy,
In order to retrieve your password you need to click on the caption that says/ask. "Forgot your password?".
Before we proceed to solve the problem. Did you remember the security questions required to you? When you're subscribing to any site, most of the times you're ask to answer security questions. questions like What's the Name of your favorite pet etc.? That's your access to reopen your account. If you remember those security questions then here's what you need to do.
Upon clicking to "Forgot your Password?" link text;
You should be ask for your E-mail. Type it in.
You now be asked to Answer the security question
Answer the question correctly, sometimes your limited from 3 to 5 attempt.
If security questions were answered correctly, you are now then asked to open your online Mail services like Yahoo Messenger, Gmail or what have you.
There you should see your new password as mailed to you by Photo Vault's team.
Otherwise, your account can not be open and eventually will be compromise.
Hope this helps you solve the problem.