I faced a problem while launching version 5.2 of AIX. It says, "Error: Internal system error: Unable to initialize standard output file".
What does it mean?
I have no idea for the issue.
If you have any idea for the issue, please help me to get a remedy.
Thanks in advance.
I faced a problem while launching version 5.2 of AIX
From your description I become know that you faced a problem during you want to launch AIX version 5.2.Here the solution which may helpful for you.
At first you have to must install AIX version 5.2 properly. Here I describe step by step in short:
Prepare your system
Boot from the AIX product CD
Set and verify BOS installation settings
After successful installation you can follow from the below:
Select a target for the BOS installation operation.
Select the installation for the installation type.
Select the lpp_source resource for the BOS installation.
Select the SPOT resource for the BOS installation.
Select the BOSINST_DATA to use during installation option and select a bosinst_data resource that is capable of performing a nonprompted BOS installation.
Select the RESOLV_CONF to use for network configuration option and select a resolv_conf resource.
Select the Accept New License Agreements option and select Yes.
Accept the default values for the remaining menu options.
Press Enter to confirm and begin the NIM client installation
You can get it elaborately from this.
Please follow this instruction.
I think you will get the solution soon.