Asked By
Rodney Sid
0 points
Posted on - 04/10/2012
Of late, I have been experiencing difficulties using my iPhone.
When I click on something, I receive messages stating that the phone does not support the installed software.
This is usually the case each time I try using a certain application.
I updated my phone’s software to 4.1, but it appears like the iPhone does not support it.
I tried using it today but it just froze. Could this be the problem?
I thought restoring it would be the solution. Therefore, after backing up my contacts, I clicked restore.
The option “restore and update” popped up and I clicked on it, but after some time it stopped downloading.
The below attached image shows it the error message.
The Iphone "Wesley Frantz's IPhone" could not be restored. This device isn't eligible for the requested build.
More Information OK
Can anyone offer any help?
I would gladly appreciate.
I get an error message when using my my iPhone applications.
Maybe you upgraded your iPhone’s firmware with the wrong firmware version which is not intended for your phone’s model. Since this is the current state of your phone, try an alternative way of restoring your iPhone. Open the phone’s application in your computer then connect your phone to the computer.
In Windows, press and hold the SHIFT key then click on Update or Restore in iTunes. In Mac, and I know this is your operating system based on the image you posted, press and hold the Option key then click Update or Restore in iTunes. Next, a dialog box will appear on your screen that contains different versions of firmware for your iPhone. Just select the appropriate version for your phone.
Or, you may also try to restore your iPhone to an older firmware which might really fix your problem.
Download first your desired firmware here .
You can use your web browser when downloading any of the files from the site above. Be sure that the file you are downloading is really the older version. Then when you are finished downloading, repeat the steps above in updating your phone then selecting the file you downloaded as your phone’s new firmware.
Wait until the restoration is finished. The duration varies depending on how much data is stored on your phone. When finished, disconnect your phone from the computer then turn it ON and test it if the restoration was successful.