Asked By
William Sao
30 points
Posted on - 05/25/2012
Please someone take a look at here. I get this error message while setting up the Postgre SQL.
Service check
The ‘secondary logon’ service is not running. This service is required for the installer to initialize the database.
Please start this service and try again
How do I solve this error? Thank you for your time.
I get this error message while setting up the Postgre SQL.
The solution is very simple. There is a service named “Secondary Login Service” in Windows services and all you need to do is start it. How you do it is go to Control Panel and click on Admin Tools. In Admin Tools find the Services and click on it. It will pop a window that lists all services. Find the service named “Secondary Login Service” and double click on it to open the service details window. In that press “Start” to start the service. Make sure that you are logged into the operating system with a login that has “administrator” rights.