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50 points
Posted on - 06/14/2012
I just bought a new Verizon dongle and installed all the given software. After detecting the device the light sometimes blinks green and blue and sometimes it is just green. When I try and connect though it just says there is an error and to call Verizon, they are unable to help thought and will call back in a week.Â
I need it working now though! Any ideas there?
Please help.
Thank you
I get error message wmc104 when trying to connect to the internet
'Please try some of my recommendation. Try to use into the place where you know signal is strong see if it work, If not try to install it using another computer see if it will work properly. If not working, then maybe there is really a problem to your dongle and to fix that is to give it back to the store and replace it with a new one. I also experienced that and I go to the store where I bought it then they replace it with a new one. If you will buy things like that, testing is important. That is important.
Good luck. Â