Asked By
gerald uy
10 points
Posted on - 06/04/2012
Hello all.  For a calendar picker, the class XoopsFormTextDateSelect  is being used in a custom module development.  2.0.18 is My Xoops version.
I get the JavaScript error message: xoopsGetElementById is not defined.
How can I solve this problem?
I get JavaScript error message
Hi Gerald, have you tried patching? Debugging? Sometimes it is assume that the usual cause of this error is the Java script not being drawn for some reason. The odd thing happened before that div element that contains the body of the page has a different Z level from the rest of the page. And the calendar ends up being drawn and so it's effect effectively invisible.
Perhaps there is a bug in your calendarjs.php. Try clicking again. More than once and try to modify line 36 your calendarjs.
Quote   { echo 'new date( "$jstime'")'; } with Quote { echo 'new Date ( ' $ jstime')';}