I Get Plenty Of Errors On Acresso Software Manager Agent

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Describe the acresso software manager agent? Write about the solutions to stop the application process.

Answered By 0 points N/A #347257

I Get Plenty Of Errors On Acresso Software Manager Agent


The acresso software manager agent is a third-party tool used by Nuance to deliver updates to the software. The utility runs in the background during the installation of the Dragon. The major problems occur during the installation, repair, or uninstallation of Dragon Naturally Speaking; the following message may appear:

Files in Use: Some files that need to be updated are currently in use.

Close these applications and click on Retry to continue. Acresso Software manager (Process ID: XXXX)

The solution to ending the process is as follows:

Solution 1: Close the process manually by using Task Manager

Step 1: Launch Task Manager by holding Ctrl+ Shift+ Esc together.

Step 2: Switch the process tab and locate the process mentioned.

Step 3: Look for the process and click on End Process.

Solution 2: Select ‘Ignore’ to skip the Acresso process and proceed with the installation wizard.

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