Asked By
Kyle Berry
30 points
Posted on - 11/10/2012
Hello friends,
I got this problem about Skype low resources. When trying to access the Skype application there is a warning saying Skype low resources error. What should I do to fix this problem and may I know the main cause? I hope you can give me the accurate information needed.
Thanks and Regards,
Kyle Berry.
I got this problem about Skype low resources.
The main reason for your problem may be due to the background running processes. And also the processor speed is 2.00 GHz which is on the slower side.
I got this problem about Skype low resources.
Hi Kyle,
I believe there is a problem with your processor. There is a required amount of memory resources which varies in your operating system. If you are using Windows XP, 7 or Vista and Linux, it requires you to give at least 256MB of RAM with GHz processor. While on Mac OS, it needs 1GB of RAM with 1GHz core duo processor.
But you can also disable some features of Skype for you not to use up all the resources. You can modify the settings and stop importing contacts, transferring files, accessing to Skype Public or also personalizing the sounds and the language which consumes lots of memory.
Hope this helps.